Credit Reporting and Financial Security - Refresh Financial

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Credit Reporting and Financial Security

Credit reporting is a hot topic on TV right now – you may have even seen the piece on “Last Week Tonight” with John Oliver. Credit is a part of everyday life, even in ways we don’t always think of. Have you ever had to agree to a background check when applying for a job? This isn’t just a criminal check, it may also pull your credit history. Some people think reliability in personal finances relates to job performance, no matter how unfair it may be.

But what if your credit history contains information that isn’t about you? We’ve all heard the horror stories (some outlined in that John Oliver video!). People being mistaken by collection agencies for someone with a similar name, or cases of identity theft. How would you know about these errors, before it’s too late?

While checking your credit report isn’t always at the top of everyone’s to-do list, it should be! It’s the only way to ensure your credit history contains everything it should, and nothing it shouldn’t. You have locks on your doors and windows to keep your home safe, why wouldn’t you ensure your financial future is also secure?

So what’s the best way to stay on top of your credit report? At Refresh, we offer credit monitoring – the perfect way to keep an eye on your financial identity. Our credit monitoring service gives you unlimited access to your credit report (without showing up as an inquiry and hurting your score!). It even has a credit alert feature that lets you know if there is any suspicious activity related to your account.

Just like having a budget (and sticking to it!), monitoring your credit history is the smart way to manage your finances. If credit monitoring isn’t your thing, you can always check your credit score here!

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